Please note that WatsUniq do not charge any subscription amount and it is completely FREE to register products at

How to calculate Final Settlement Amount:

Final Settlement Amount=

Order Value (A) –Referral Fee (B) -Shipping Fee(C) –Collection Fee (D) – Fixed fee (E)-GST (18% on sum(B&C&D&E))

Referral Fee

This is WatsUniq commission fee based on the Category and Sub-Category (Table at the end of this document).

WatsUniq Shipping Charges

Collection Fee

A small payment collection fee is charged to you for all prepaid and post-paid orders that you receive. The collectionfee will vary depending on the payment type chosen by the customer (Prepaid/Post-paid).

For a prepaid order – Based on Payment gateway.

For a post-paid order – Based on cash collection charges.

The collectionfee will be calculated on the final selling price of a product. The final selling price is a sum of the amount paid by the Customer including shipping charges, if any (Price of product + Shipping charges).

This will remain the same for all sellers irrespective of the category and tier.

Selling PricePrepaidPost-paid
0-10002%₹ 10


Fixed Fee is a small amount charged for every successful sale transaction. A successful sale transaction is an order which has been successfully delivered to the customer and has not been returned. In case of customer or courier returns, this fee will not be charged. The Fixed fee will vary based on the order item value irrespective of category and seller tier.

Order ValueRate
0-500Rs 5
500-1000Rs 10
>1000Rs 20

Sample Calculator

Sample Calculator
Item NameThe Alchemist- book
Item Selling Price1000
WatsUniq Referral Fee(8%for books)80
Collection Fee (2%)20
Fixed Fee(Rs.10 for INR 1000 Item)10
Shipping Charges(If WatsUniq shipping Service eg. Weight-300 gms Intra City)40
Total Seller’s Profit823
* This may vary by category, product price, shipping volume and distance, applicable taxes etc

Referral Fee

Referral Fee on Selling Price+ Shipping Charges+ Gift Wrap charges if Any